Wednesday, November 19, 2008

my hari raya celebrati0n epis0de 2

my first aidilfitri at pinggiran senawang!!!
i felt quite happy that day because we can accumulate together because we are far apart bef0re...

we were talking everything....
but the m0st important thing is asking 4 the ap0l0gises!!!this is really important....
malay idiom have said....
give me the part of earth that never been raining!!!
it really p0trayed that everyb0dy made mistakes,right???

after that, i went back to my aunt's h0met0wn,sg. kelamah,
my last destinati0n at this day is my mom's h0met0wn, jasin,melaka...
we stayed that about two days

i had visited my uncles and my aunties!!!as many as we could during this hari raye!!!

slamat hari raye!!!

btw,next year is spm time!!!n0 play,no laugh,n0 music anym0re!!!
excuse me,music is part of my life!!!ehy n0t???
music can make us forgets 0ur plenty pr0blems that are always beside us!!!
is it right guys???

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