Friday, September 26, 2008

the preparation

what???preparation 4 what???
4 diagnostik???4 sure!!!but it's all about the preparations 4 the hari raye!!!

hari raye???
it's about the festive!!!

first, i already b0ught a new one baju melayu from dzull classique!!!it's okey!!!
thiz year, purple colour was choosen!!!
s0,we are already bought a purple bju mlayu!!!
but, the most important thing is the examination!!!
hence,let's study togetherrr!~!!!

before that, slamt hari raye 2 all my teachaers all over the world esspecially my teachers at tadika ixora,tadika furqan,skj6,sepintarrrsss,and univ franch-comte(insya-allah)

my friendsss
beginning from the kindergarten
until now sepintar!!!
and the whole sbpians!!!
remember that we are holding the responsibilities f0r our c0untry!!!
we are heading to be the next leaderrr!!!

this lyrics!!!

desir angin di padang tandus
segersang pemikiran hati
terkisah ku di antara
cinta yg agung...

bila keyakinan ku datng
kasih bukan sekadar cinta
pengorbanan cinta yg agung
ku pertaruhkan

this lyric is totally touchinggggggggggg

Friday, September 5, 2008

chanson je t'aime par lara fabian

d'accord il existait,d'autres facons de se quitter
quelques eclats de verre auraient peut-etre pu nous aider
dans ce silence aimer, j'ai decide de pardonner,
les erreurs qu'on peut faire a trop s'aimer...

je t'aime, je t'aime
comme un fou comme un soldat
comme une star de cinema
je t'aime je t'aime
comme un loup comme un roi
comme un homme que je ne suis pas
2 vois je t'aime comme ca

cette chansons est pour mes aimoreux a allah,ma famille,mes amis et quelqu'un(qui?)
pense par t0i-meme!!!

about myself

my name is amin bin zanudin.i was born on 16 january 1992 located at hospital kajang,selangor.
i like to play basketball and i love singing very much but singing isn't my's just 4 fun!!!besides, i love to watch m0vie!!!
before i end this, i like to sing something;
how about around of applause,
a standing ovation,
you looked so d*** right now,
standing outside my house,
trying to appologize,
you're so ugly when you cry,
just cut it on

but you put on quite a show
really had me going....