Sunday, November 23, 2008

how make the w0rld a better place!!!

huh!!!i don't have any about this sphere-shaped planet called earth!!!
this planet is going to be a worse place n0wadays!!!
hence,h0w to make the world a better place???

as a student, i want to give my suggestions. firstly, the organisati0n like pbb should more stern because this organisati0n just make this serious pr0blem blown away like the wind flows!!!

besides,these pe0ples are suffering bad experiences by a really cruel and violent person!!!
h0wever,this pr0blem can be overcame by the legislati0n of this world!!!

if i and the others student made a plenty of objecti0ns, but the main persons still ignore this pr0blem,this thousand million objecti0ns are nonsense and useless!!!is it true???

1 comment:

Zarinuse said...

big world of your own? :]