Thursday, December 18, 2008



this is such a really interesting t0pic!!!why???

food is such a stuff that we c0nsume everyday!!!

s0,there are seven classes of foods!!!what are they???

carbohydrates,pr0teins,vitamins,minerals,roughage(dietary fibre),fats and waters!!!

firstly,let's talk about the effects that we will obtain if we take a l0t of these classes of foods!!!
in bi0l0gy, we called it as malnutriti0n i think!!!
if we take a lot of carbohydrates, protein, fats we might have many seri0us diseases,,,
hence,watch out ur am0unt of foods that you take!!!
as a malay said,,,we eat for our life or we life for eat!!!think by yourselves!!!

sec0ndly,let's talk about the ways to get a healthy diet,,,
we have to ensure that we eat until we felt full,,,not until we can eat,,,
this is vital f0r our health,,,certain pers0ns think that we have to eat a plenty of foods until we feel full!!!
is it necessary???of course not!!!we shoul be obey to the food pyramid,,,
the base is the carbohydrates,,,s0, take a lot of carbohydrates foods such as rice,bread and potatoes,,,
however,don't ever forget the others classes of foods such as vitamins,minerals,fats but in the quantity required as shown in the food pyramid!!!

lastly, i want to emphasize that food is a stuff that can make us be a healthy person or it might also somebody have many critical diseases,,,hence,,,always plan your daily diet!!!

don't ever eat until you cannot stand or move although an inch!!!
if you want to live longer,please be obey to this instructions!!!

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