Friday, December 26, 2008

i wish,,,in francais,,, we called it as je s0uhaite

hohhoho for your inf0rmation,,,this my last task from my bel0ved english teacher,,,teacher aida mohamed,,,

this topic is all about my wishes,,,

firstly, i wish i can further my studies after spm at france,,,why???
this is i wish i can be a french teacher at sbp,,,i thought this is my sec0nd time writing this,,,
whenever it is,,,i really want to emphasize that i really wish and hope that,,,

secondly, i wish i can be the priciple for sbp schools,,,why???
i want to make a sbp school as a school that can beat the overseas schools,,,0f course i can make it,,,
this is my sec0nd time writing this 2,,,

thirdly,,,i h0pe that this world will be more peace and harmony,,,okey???
you know what should u d0 PBB!!!okey???

lastly,i just want to wish that my examinations which really on the corner,,,spm 2009,,,
i wish that i will get straight a1 in spm 2009,,,this my wish that i want to acvhieve as soon as possible(ASAP)



Thursday, December 18, 2008



this is such a really interesting t0pic!!!why???

food is such a stuff that we c0nsume everyday!!!

s0,there are seven classes of foods!!!what are they???

carbohydrates,pr0teins,vitamins,minerals,roughage(dietary fibre),fats and waters!!!

firstly,let's talk about the effects that we will obtain if we take a l0t of these classes of foods!!!
in bi0l0gy, we called it as malnutriti0n i think!!!
if we take a lot of carbohydrates, protein, fats we might have many seri0us diseases,,,
hence,watch out ur am0unt of foods that you take!!!
as a malay said,,,we eat for our life or we life for eat!!!think by yourselves!!!

sec0ndly,let's talk about the ways to get a healthy diet,,,
we have to ensure that we eat until we felt full,,,not until we can eat,,,
this is vital f0r our health,,,certain pers0ns think that we have to eat a plenty of foods until we feel full!!!
is it necessary???of course not!!!we shoul be obey to the food pyramid,,,
the base is the carbohydrates,,,s0, take a lot of carbohydrates foods such as rice,bread and potatoes,,,
however,don't ever forget the others classes of foods such as vitamins,minerals,fats but in the quantity required as shown in the food pyramid!!!

lastly, i want to emphasize that food is a stuff that can make us be a healthy person or it might also somebody have many critical diseases,,,hence,,,always plan your daily diet!!!

don't ever eat until you cannot stand or move although an inch!!!
if you want to live longer,please be obey to this instructions!!!

in ten years I will...

this issue means that what i will do in ten years!!!
okey,in ten years,i think that i will further my studies at oversea,
in what c0urse??? i think that i will choose french language studies!!!
why???this is because i want to be a french language teacher!!!what are reas0ns f0r this???
the reasons are i hope that i can always be at sbp!!!i love life at sbp!!!besides, i want to be a sbp principle!!!as a kick-start, i have to be a teacher first,then, i will try my best to be a sbp principle!!!that's why i choose to be a french teacher!!!i think in ten years i already be a french language teacher because it only takes 5 years!!!

in ten years, i will change my status perhaps,
why???this is because i already 16 years old + 10 = 26 years
this is a perfect time for me to end my status as what??? in french, we called it as "celibatair"

however, i am still worried about my further plan!!!
i have to be the best to be a french teacher!!! is it right???
of c0urse!!!

try my best in spm!!!try to get 11 a1 in spm!!!

i knew that i can do it!!!

in french,,,je sais que 2 p0urras reussir dans spm!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

fashion trends of today's teenagers!!!

fashion is such a quite imp0rtant for the teenagers!!!
why???this is because teenagers always want t0 be the best for their appearances!!!

s0,there are a l0t of fashi0n trends nowadays!!!
what are the examples???gothic style,punk style,hoppers style,funky style,and many m0re!!!
hmmm,today i want to talk about the effects to the teenagers by following the trends!!!

firstly,the effect is teenagers will be out from the normal life!!!how could it be like this???
it occurs when the teenagers are anxious following the trend until they l00k totally weird and pupils will l00k d0wn to them!!!s0,don't be too anxious following the trend until u forgot who u are!!!

secodly,the teenagers will waste their money just to buy the cloths!!!totally waste!!!

lastly,teenagers will do the bad things as the reas0n for the trend!!!it will be m0re seri0us when they have their own believes!!!they will be out of control perhaps!!!

hence, i want to advice the teenagers outside to think wisely before doing something!!!
2 all spm 2009 candidates!!!what the hell that u are waiting f0r???let's r0ck the world dudes!!!make our parents,teachers,families,friends proud of us!!!okey

the national service helps to create a better you agree???

firstly, i want to give my percepti0n about this issue!!!

ok,what is the difiniti0n of nati0nal service???
actually,for this issue, i d0n't have insufficient idea!!!hence, i just want to explain about the term nati0nal service!!!

ok,nati0nal service is also well-known as PLKN(pr0gram latihan khidmat negara)

let's talk about this quite imp0rtant issue!!!
ok,i think that this pr0gram is such a really useful!!!by the way,the students that will j0in this pr0gram should be the students that have a big dicipline pr0blem!!!why???
this is because this pr0gram will make them be more dicipline and motivated as well!!!

so,i want to emphasize that the goverment should be more concern on choosing the contestants for this pr0gram!!!

from the brief statements above,i agree with this issue which is the national service helps to create a better citizen!!!

i hope that all of malaysians can do our best to make this country being on the top compared to the upper-class country!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

cleanliness-malaysia scenari0

okey,let's take few minutes!!!
i knew that everybody should already see the actual phenomenon that occured at our
beloved country, malaysia!!!

what???the cleanliness of malaysia!!!

s0,we should have the spirits for what???

spirits to protect our country from the rubbish or whatever the wasteage!!!
hence,we should what???
we should thr0w the rubbish inside what???
