Saturday, April 4, 2009

now,,,we are getting older!!!

teachers...listen this is really deep from my sincere heart,,,
this is my last year at this school!!!

i can't imagine wat i 'll face after this,,,,
just hope for my beloved teachers,,,

please pray f0r us!!! spm 2009!!!this is our chance 2 prove our actual strength!!!please!!!



Mommy said...

Thanks a lot for wwriting in this blog.. hope to see u continue posting your thoughts in the blog.. I might hop in now and then to read your postings and leave my thoughts as well..
Yes, we are getting daughter, the eldest one is now in Standard 5..and she's talking about boyfriend!!!! Can you believe that????Girls make me worry!!!!Hmm, what do you think???

amin said...

for me,,,boy friend or couple when we are in primary school is quite not suitable!!!it will affect her studies esspecially girls!!!they have to focus in their studies!!!i will pray for ur daughter!!!insya-allah~!!!i thought that u have to advice her!!!hhehehee